Seller’s Market

Why Frisco Homes Are Selling Fast

Why Frisco Homes Are Selling Fast

Welcome to Mister Frisco's latest market update, where we explain what's happening in the Frisco housing market in simple terms. If you're curious about buying or selling a home in Frisco, here's what you need to know based on the latest data. Today, we'll discuss why Frisco homes are selling fast. Prices Are Up The cost of buying a home in Frisco has gone up. In February, the middle price range for...

Frisco Real Estate: A Simple December Overview - housing real estate

Frisco Real Estate: A Simple December Overview

Now that it's January let's talk about what's been going on with our local Frisco real estate market. We'll keep it simple and easy to understand so everyone can follow along. Home Prices: What's Happening? The price of homes in Frisco has seen some interesting changes. When we compare the average price of homes sold this December to what it was at the same time last year, it's a bit lower. But if we...

The Challenge of Buying a in Home in Frisco

The Challenge of Buying a Home in Frisco

In Frisco's real estate market this October, you'll notice some interesting trends. Home prices are going up, which is great news if you're a seller, but buyers should be prepared for a competitive market. However, with the challenge in buying a home in Frisco, there are some unique factors at play. So, it's important to stay informed to make the best real estate decisions. Home Prices on the Rise In...

Challenges in Seller's Market

Top 3 Challenges in a Seller’s Market

Finding your dream home can be discouraging. Here are the top 3 challenges in a seller's market. But don't let a challenging market keep you from finding your dream home. With help from Mister Frisco, Viktor Taushanov can help you navigate any real estate market to find your ideal home. Low Inventory Unsurprisingly, low inventory is a likely side-effect of wanting to live in a hot area. However,...

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