Listen In: Mister Frisco Podcast

Listen In: Mister Frisco Podcast

Did you catch last month’s Mister Frisco podcast? If not, let me fill you in. We had a great chat with John Payne from Insperity, a company that helps small businesses with their HR (human resources) needs. Here’s a quick recap of what we talked about and why it’s super helpful for anyone running a small business.

What Does Insperity Do?

John Payne explained that Insperity helps small businesses handle all sorts of employee stuff. This means they help set up payroll and sort out employee benefits. And making sure the workplace runs smoothly. This kind of help can be a lifesaver for a small business owner because it lets them focus more on growing their business.

HR: More Than Just Paperwork

One cool thing we learned from John is how important HR is for attracting and keeping good employees. In today’s job world, people look for more than just a paycheck. They want benefits, a nice place to work, and chances to grow. Insperity helps businesses make their workplace really appealing to current and potential employees.

Solving Common Small Business Problems

John also talked about common problems small businesses have, like not having an employee handbook. It might not sound like a big deal, but having clear rules and guidelines is important. Insperity helps businesses put together these kinds of documents, which keeps everything running right and makes sure they follow the law.

If you missed this podcast, don’t worry! You can still listen to it on the Mister Frisco podcast channel. It’s full of great advice for small business owners. Plus, stay tuned for more awesome talks with experts like John Payne. Follow Mister Frisco to stay in the loop with all the latest tips and insights!

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