
Listen In: Mister Frisco Podcast

Listen In: Mister Frisco Podcast

Did you catch last month's Mister Frisco podcast? If not, let me fill you in. We had a great chat with John Payne from Insperity, a company that helps small businesses with their HR (human resources) needs. Here's a quick recap of what we talked about and why it's super helpful for anyone running a small business. What Does Insperity Do? John Payne explained that Insperity helps small businesses handle...

The Key Role of Communication - Deal

The Key Role of Communication

The key role of communication is to build a bridge of understanding. Check out this podcast by Mister Frisco as they discussed the importance of communication, not just in real estate, but in all aspects of life. Joining him will be Michael Head, a life languages coach. Are you ready? Let us dive right in! The Key Importance in Negotiation Communication is the thread that weaves every part of the real...

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